Tuesday, 6 September 2011

you're not a man

Just two of the pictures I took today in my AS Photography class, it was the first proper lesson (we've had two but our first lesson was just an introduction) and the aim was to create a mood with the mannequin which was hard and to be honest wasn't really achieved... we were rather clueless as to what to do and didn't have much time to think but I thought I would share the pictures anyway.

I'm pretty sure the rest of my group got good pictures too but it was a very on-the-spot shoot as to which we were pretty blank. But we put the mannequin in front of the whiteboard and played around with lighting and angles and decided to try a bit of the "hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil" but I didn't take the photos for the "hear no evil".

I'm doing a shoot for my coursework on the weekend though that should be interesting so hopefully that will have more success...

Hope you're all having an amazing week!
Lots of Love,


  1. I remember my AS art classes! I did lots of photography for it, so much work good luck with yours. I like these images, the lighting looks great.

  2. I like how in the "speak no evil" shot, it's just a finger resting on the lips, I think it could have looked clunky (if that's even a real word) if you'd just slapped the hand across the mouth.
    Nice shots, I look forward to seeing more!!

    Polly ♥

  3. The "speak no evil" shot is really good, nice effects with the shadowing!

  4. The lighting is pretty good - interesting topic - would be good to see what others got up too also!
    Tikkitiboo + Ahka Vintage

  5. I like the colouring of the photos as well as the rest of the styling, I do think you've created a mood there xx
