Friday, 17 January 2014

Galliano Grows Again

My stance on the demise and rise of John Galliano has been one that reflects my ultimate views on life; I shall always believe in second chances. Although racism is unacceptable on all fronts, everyone deserves the right to be forgiven and given a chance to prove they are a better person again. With this, I decided my fourth post for 1st Class Fashion would be dedicated to such an issue. 

"A suspension from Dior does not a failed designer make, as John Galliano has proven remarkably this year with rumors of being given a more permanent position with Oscar de la Renta.
2013 was definitely the year of Galliano’s comeback. His new-found collaboration with de la Renta, brokered by Anna Wintour herself, lead to Galliano helping de la Renta with his Fall 2013 ready-to-wear collection. He kicked off the year with an interview in Vanity Fair and then appeared on the television show Charlie Rose later in June. Dolce and Gabbana have also shown their support by stating, “We wish John the best of luck with his return to fashion. We’ve always been admirers of his flamboyant talent,”in Swide magazine. De la Renta also praised Galliano, “I think John is one of the most talented men I’ve ever met,” he said to New York Magazine. “I also believe that everyone should have a second chance.”"
For more, click here

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